


Ligament is a strong and smooth flexible tissue, an elastic like cushioning that covers and secures the closures of long bones at the joints, and is a basic segment of the rib confine, the ear, the nose, the bronchial cylinders, the intervertebral plates, and numerous other body segments. It isn't as hard and inflexible as bone, however it is a lot stiffer and substantially less adaptable than muscle.The grid of ligament is comprised of chondrin.

Due to its unbending nature, ligament regularly effectively holds tubes open in the body. Models incorporate the rings of the trachea, for example, the cricoid ligament and carina.

Ligament is made out of specific cells called chondrocytes that deliver a lot of collagenous extracellular grid, inexhaustible ground substance that is rich in proteoglycan and elastin filaments. Ligament is ordered in three sorts, flexible ligament, hyaline ligament and fibrocartilage, which vary in relative measures of collagen and proteoglycan.

Ligament does not contain veins (it is avascular) or nerves (it is aneural). Nourishment is provided to the chondrocytes by dispersion. The pressure of the articular ligament or flexion of the versatile ligament produces liquid stream, which helps dissemination of supplements to the chondrocytes. Contrasted with other connective tissues, ligament has a moderate turnover of its extracellular grid and does not fix.

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